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Friday, August 26, 2011
Infants and their respective diet
Monday, August 22, 2011
The 2011-2016 Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals in Japan
!9# The 2011-2016 Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals in Japan
This econometric study covers the latent demand outlook for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals across the prefectures and cities of Japan. Latent demand (in millions of U.S. dollars), or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.) estimates are given across some 1,000 cities in Japan. For each city in question, the percent share the city is of it's prefecture and of Japan is reported. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a city vis-a-vis others. This statistical approach can prove very useful to distribution and/or sales force strategies. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each prefecture and city, latent demand estimates are created for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved.
This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the cities in Japan). This study gives, however, my estimates for the latent demand, or the P.I.E., for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals in Japan. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided and concentrated across the cities and regional markets of Japan. For each prefecture, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time. In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage methodology was employed that is often taught in courses on strategic planning at graduate schools of business.
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The 2011-2016 Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals in Japan
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals in Greater China
!9# The 2009-2014 Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals in Greater China
This econometric study covers the latent demand outlook for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals across the regions of Greater China, including provinces, autonomous regions (Guangxi, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Xizang - Tibet), municipalities (Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Tianjin), special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau), and Taiwan (all hereafter referred to as "regions"). Latent demand (in millions of U.S. dollars), or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.) estimates are given across some 1,100 cities in Greater China. For each major city in question, the percent share the city is of the region and of Greater China is reported. Each major city is defined as an area of "economic population", as opposed to the demographic population within a legal geographic boundary. For many cities, the economic population is much larger that the population within the city limits; this is especially true for the cities of the Western regions. For the coastal regions, cities which are close to other major cities or which represent, by themselves, a high percent of the regional population, actual city-level population is closer to the economic population (e.g. in Beijing). Based on this "economic" definition of population, comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a city's marketing and distribution value vis-a-vis others. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The 2011-2016 World Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals
!9#The 2011-2016 World Outlook for Ready-To-Serve Rice Breakfast Foods Excluding Infant Cereals
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Post Date : Aug 03, 2011 03:15:20
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This econometric study covers the world outlook for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals across more than 200 countries. For each year reported, estimates are given for the latent demand, or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.), for the country in question (in millions of U.S. dollars), the percent share the country is of the region and of the globe. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a country vis-a-vis others. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each country and across countries, latent demand estimates are created. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved.
This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the 230 countries of the world). This study gives, however, my estimates for the worldwide latent demand, or the P.I.E., for ready-to-serve rice breakfast foods excluding infant cereals. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided across the world's regional and national markets. For each country, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time (positive or negative growth). In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage methodology was employed that is often taught in courses on international strategic planning at graduate schools of business.
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