Blood poisoning:
Blood poisoning is a general term for acute hypertensive disease appear after the 20 week of pregnancy or after childbirth and edema accompanied by increased protein (albumin) in urine and in severe cases, convulsions and coma, especially if treatment is delayed.
Blood poisoning can cause maternal and newborn death if not treated in time. Malnutrition is the leading cause of blood poisoning, which can be prevented with good parents and good nutrition. IfBlood poisoning is found to be in a pregnant woman should receive a sufficient amount of protein of high biological value in their diet. Salt was once limited to relieve blood poisoning, but it is now recognized that the salt must be given during pregnancy and a normal amount is needed. Vitamins and minerals are regulatory agents, which are particularly needed to avoid malnutrition, blood poisoning in advance.
Anemia is common during pregnancy. It can be classifiedas follows:
Iron deficiency anemia: this is the most common anemia in pregnancy and the results because of insufficient iron in the diet. May result from the iron for pregnant women over their reserves, and then anemia, if their diet is not fortified with iron-rich foods.
Anemia Hemorrhagic: This results from the loss of blood and is more likely to occur after the delivery by the loss of blood during childbirth. During the pregnancy, but it can happen if abortion or ruptureEctopic pregnancy. Most patients receive a blood transfusion, but the therapy of iron is indicated as an adjunct to the formation of hemoglobin blood substitutes needed for an adequate support.
Megaloblastic anemia: In this state, a large, immature red blood cells, which are formed with little or no hemoglobin, red blood cell and this anomaly is the result of folate deficiency. Significantly increases folic acid requirements during pregnancy and the deficiency is manifested as nausea, vomiting and anorexia. AsAnemia progresses, loss of appetite is still, aggravating the shortage. The most characteristic symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy could be due to a lack of folic acid and pyridoxine.
Nausea and vomiting
This is commonly called morning sickness. This is usually a mild rebuke restricted early pregnancy. It occurs more often after getting up, rather than during the day, hence the term morning sickness. It 'too psychological and physiological reasons fortensions and fears regarding pregnancy improves the simplest is usually the person that tolerance to foods. Dry crackers before being eaten out of bed to reduce nausea. To conduct several small meals with liquid between meals and not taken with meals better results. If excessive vomiting, persistent and prolonged it can be seen, then the doctor-patient relationship and the patient can feed them intravenously to avoid complications andDehydration.
The neural tube:
The neural tube, brain and spinal cord.
Women need to get enough folic acid before pregnancy and during the first trimester of pregnancy, so that the neural tube to develop properly.
NTDs are birth defects that occurwhen the neural tube to form properly. Neural tube defects usually occur during the first month of pregnancy, many women know they are pregnant.
You must be taking folic acid before ordering the risk of having a baby with a NTD reduce pregnant.
Some factors that increase the risk of neural tube defects are:
Race / ethnicity / geographical location: NTDS are more common in women in some Hispanic subpopulations, and between population groups in Ireland, China, andUnited Kingdom.
Use of anti-seizure drugs.
Maternal insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Maternal obesity.
Maternal hyperthermia (ie, exposure to high temperatures in early pregnancy, such as high fever, or use hot tub).
NTD-affected pregnancy earlier.
Diabetes in pregnancy
Diabetes is aDisorder in which blood sugar levels are too high. This happens because the body does not produce enough insulin or can not insulin properly. Insulin is a pancreatic hormone, the body convert glucose into energy or store it as fat can be done. In untreated diabetes, high blood sugar levels damage the organs, including blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. Some people with diabetes must inject insulin daily to prevent these complications.
Gestationalis one of the most frequent complications during pregnancy. It usually develops in the second half of pregnancy, when hormones or other factors that interfere with the ability of the body to insulin. Most women with gestational diabetes have no symptoms. The blood sugar levels usually return to normal delivery.
Women at increased risk of gestational diabetes include those who are older than 30 are obese, have a family history of diabetes, or have a very large (about 9 ½ pounds) babyor a dead child.
As a general rule, that a pregnant woman with diabetes (gestational or pre-existing) that the average weight is about 2,000 to 2,200 calories a day to consume. This should help her, the recommended gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. Daily calories are usually between three meals and three snacks around, such a division before going to bed. The nutritionist is very likely to recommend a diet that includes: 10 to 20 percent of calories from protein (meat, poultry, fish, legumes);about 30 percent from fat (less than 10 percent from saturated fat) and the rest mainly from complex carbohydrates (bread, cereal, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables). Sweets should be avoided.
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